Creator Ace Antilles. Status In the Star Wars Universe: A heavy Assault Starfighter with shields. The basic design was used to create the cloaked phantom TIE. Game: XWA only.
Revised Review Done by ypoknons, 16/09/1999 New!: Cloaked version out!. As well as Bop version! After I spent a litte more time with this OPT, I realized just how good it is. After a litte closer inspection, the Cockpit texture look really excellent! Also, the inlets are built into the mesh, and look very impressive. It is really accurate.This OPT needs no fixing. It is better than Dreddnott's last OPT, and even challenges Steele's Excaulibar! Wow! All this for Ace Antilles's first OPT! Score: Original Review Done by ypoknons, 16/09/1999 This is the first work ever released by Ace Antilles. And it is good. Very good. The textures are excellent, and the harpoints are fine as well. I really like the engine part of the TIE. They are exactly like the ones seen in Rebel Assault 2. The textures around the cockpit are fine as well, but not so the front cockpit texture, which is a little low-res. If that is fixed, Ace Antilles will be challenging our Celebrities with the quity of thier OPTs.
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