Creator JM. Status In the Star Wars Universe: New Republic Command ship made by the Mon Calamari. Appeared 6 years after the Battle Endor, while fighting the Emperor's mad clones on Byss. Game: XWA Only Review Done by Ypoknons , 9/10/1999 Starships, have always been regarded as being more impressive than fighters. Our friend, JM, has got a couple of them on his website. The MC 90 is not his earlist creation, but it is the first of his well-known Calamari Cruisers. Powerful, wonderful textures, and accurate mesh provides one of the better starships for X-Wing Alliance so far. Now, with the advent of ACE DxF 4c, which fixes the capital ship hitzone problem, this excellent OPT is not to be taken lightly. JM has done plenty of other starship OPTs, but this is still very good. Note: The original review incorrectly stated that this is JM's first creation. I have updated it 16/10/1999. Score: Screenshots Download |