Status In the Star Wars Universe: Atmospheric airspeeder. Delayed by the New Republic in the Battle of Calamari 6 years after the Battle of Endor. Game: XWA Only. Review Done by ypoknons, 08/13/1999 Ahhhh.... Something better than the host of superfighters Dreddnott has done. The interesting thing about this one is that it includes a speeder transport. The speeder transport, however, can only pick up 1 V-Wing, unlike what the Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels says (it say it can pick up 4 to 6 V-Wings). On the V-Wing side, the cockpit is too small, the wingspan too long, and the textures too rusty. i means, V-Wings are new, and they are supposed to be kept in good shape. Not bad, but I guess some problems need to be smoothed out. Score: Screenshots To come later Download To come later |