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Status In the Star Wars Universe:
Description here.
XWA only.
Author's Notes
Here's a new OPT for review, my XWA E-wing (Beta 2).
Specs: A 3-OPT set: A COCKPIT, EXTERIOR and the basic OPT.
Cockpit position: You MUST set these with BHE to get the proper point of
Cockpit Z: 17
Cockpit Y: 15
The basic and EXTERIOR.OPTs are built totally from scratch, and based
off the SWMA model and the diagram from Star Wars: The Essential Guide to Vehicles and
Vessels. Textures are also from scratch, and are also from the Guide to Vehicles. I'm not
too good with paint programs, which is why they look rather cartoonish.
The COCKPIT is a partial remodel of the X-wing cockpit.
Known Issues:
One face on the EXTERIOR.OPT disappears when view from certain angles.
I can't figure this one out.
I made the EXTERIOR.OPT as something of an after-thought, so the
side-view textures didn't properly fit the shape of the canopy. I stretched them a little
to fit, only now the aft part doesn't match properly with the wing brace. Either the final
version may fix this, or I'll just duplicate the basic OPT for the EXTERIOR.
Yes, the forward view IS limited, but if you look at the diagram in GV,
the E-wing has a rather low cockpit, particularly when enough pilot headroom and the
cockpit dash are factored in (use the EXTERIOR .OPT for reference). This won't change,
though, as it's the primary thing that keeps her from being a Super-Fighter. ;-)
Both size (10.6 meters) and textures on some surfaces are purely
conjecture and may change for the final release.
Changes between Beta 1 and 2.
The major change is that this version has half the number of faces.
Other minor ones are improved textures on the engine intakes and a new aft bulkhead based
off the SWMA model's.
Done by ypoknons, 13/08/1999
Hard work and perseverance pays off. This is the first
ever X-Wing Alliance OPT to have a exterior (the pilot) and cockpit! While Saxman is not
as famous as say, Dreddnott, this OPT is very well done. It was completely done from
scratch. While the textures remind me of the Japanese air force, they are still alright.
The cockpit is high, but the real cockpit is too, so this is a realism vs. fun
issue. The exterior (rotating cockpit) still needs a little work, but remember, this is Beta.
The OPT is as well done as many others.
But I suspect you came here to get a opinion, to see whose E-Wing is
better. XvT Technologies's is not good enough, Steele's been modeifed in Dreddnott's.
Dreddnott's has better textures, but Saxman's worked harder, and has a Cockpit and
Exterior. So, in the final analysis, Dreddnott's has better textures, but no exteriors. If
you want to use Dreddnott's please ask Saxman before using his cockpit on Dreddnott's
E-Wing. It will not be fair otherwise. But I like effort, and Exteriors, so I guess
Saxman wins in the end.

E-mail Saxman for it. I can't upload or send e-mail with attachments.