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Status In the Star Wars Universe:

Fan created.


XWA only.

Original Review

Done by ypoknons, 31/10/1999

    I'm not kissing the butts of the well-known OPT makers here. I'm just providing my thoughts on an OPT.

    This OPT attracted my attentionat first. in small screenshots, the fighter looked excellent. Beautiful design, and good textures. Whe n I got this OPT set up and running, I was very disappointed. The tetures looked great when they were small. They were pixeled when they were viewed big. The weaponary is firces, thoug. I little over powered, perhaps, but...

    Oh well. I can't expect everything from a first time OPTer, I guess. At least the mesh is good.



I couldn't find the post again. E-mail me here if you found it.


I couldn't find the post again. E-mail me here if you found it.