E-Wing V3.1
Hosk Station.jpg (8461 bytes)    

E-W V3 Shot 01
E-W V3 Shot 02

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DxF by Saxman, Textures by Darksaber.

Status In the Star Wars Universe:

Description here.


XWA only.

Author's Notes

Notes:  This one is no longer Beta

Changes: Darksaber drastically improved on my original DXF, increasing detail and fixing the proportion problems.  The textures are also FAR superior.
Over Beta 3a, the only change is that I changed one of the RESERVED hardpoints to a torpedo tube (she only had one in the Beta).  However, to simulate the E-wing's single launcher, it is in the same place as the first tube.  For best effect, don't link your torps.


Done by ypoknons, 16/09/1999

   Saxman's earlier Beta, E-Wing Beta 2.1, has turn into this excellent OPT. Saxman sent the DxF to Darksaber for texturing, and was turned this into a OPT as good as Totally Games'! The textures are just right, the cockpit is beautiful, and well... It hardpoints are fine. Look at the Screen shots if you need any convincing. An excellent OPT.

Well done, Darksaber, and Saxman.

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Contined Play Comments

    This OPT is now an OPT which will stay on my computer. It is flawless. I play with it in skrimish, and it is     one heck of a fighte. Even Dreddnott's doesn't touch it (no offense, I'll get a review of you fighters in a shot while).

Update: Darksaber release a new version of it. Looks better.


E-Wing compar.bmp (607482 bytes)    E-Wing Cockpit.bmp (1843254 bytes)


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