Hosk Station.jpg (8461 bytes)    

SSSD Shot 01
SSSD Shot 02

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Status In the Star Wars Universe:

Smaller version of the Eclipse-class Star Destroyer, 4 were under construction in the Galactic core,  near the planet Byss. All 4 were believed to have been destroyed.


XWA Only


Done by Ypoknons , 12/11/1999

    As JM said, "If you don't get this OPT then there are serious questions about your mental abilities as with one beautiful OPT Drakken has raised the standard and left everybody else playing catch-up." While I don't take it that seriously, this is an excellent OPT. Huge hangers, plenty of superlasers (that work), beautiful textures... Where is a endless amount of great things to say about this OPT. Tough it is not as beautiful as some other capital ship designs, the thing is, it has no flaws whatsoever. I repeat, no flaws at all.

    While normally I am not a big fan of huge capital ships. This one is a necessary download. Drakken did a wonderful job, given the amount of information that is available for the Sovereign, namely a single silhouette, Drakken did an outstanding job. Good work, Drakken.

Update: Drakken has released a updated version of it. Looks better and has illuminated textures. According to Drakken, the OPt is now cpmplete. Will update screenshots soon.



SSSD4.jpg (93303 bytes)    SSSD5.jpg (252754 bytes)


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