Creator Monnock Status In the Star Wars Universe: A joke. Game: XWA Only Review Done by Ypoknons, 21/08/1999 An interesting idea, having a 1 meter starfighter. It can't be hit, and has a turbo laser. Ha ha ha! Swarms of these things will destroy a Super Star Destryor in no time! It'd be cool to have a Shipset where there are someone invents lots of these, and you'll have to fight/fly them. Nice experiment, Monnock. Screenshots Not need, jut an escape pod that is textured plain green. Download Not needed. just make it yourself. Extract a DxF. Create a new project iwth ACE. Scale to 1m. Give one texture and apply to all in the mesh. Add a turbolaer on a vertex. Save as OPT. Yes or No (depending on need). Install and laugh. |