Creator Dreadnott. Status In the Star Wars Universe: Good ol' E-Wing designed after Thrawn's death to replace the X-Wing Game: XWA Only Review Done by Ypoknons, 18/08/1999 For a long time, this was the best E-Wing on the net. Based on Steele's E-Wing, it is ACE created and does not conflict with the X-Wing's textures. Its textures, are not normal Rebel strarfighter textures, but since we do not know how the New Republic starfighter are paint, it is pretty cool. The cockpit was set up high, but that's alright. Overall, it looks nice, and it works. But wait! You wanted a comparison between the two E-Wings (XvT Tech.'s doesn't count), right? Well, personally it like Saxman's more, with Exteriors and a cockpit. Of course, you can use Saxman cockpit, but that's mean :-(. But I still think Dreadnott's is better textured, so what about a joint project in the future? Hmmm... Score: Screenshots Download |