OPT Review
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  XvT OPTs XWA OPTs Opinions Misc. LinksOpinions are up! Just don't forget to use them.

This site is about the latest OPTs, which means new craft for the games X-Wing Vs. TIE Fighter and the latest X-Wing Alliance. This reflects my views on the latest OPTs. If you do not agree, send e-mail to ypoknons@hongkong.com. Please do not, I repeat, do not get angry if I say that I dislike a OPT.



    I have begun to revise the OPT marks due to an improvement in overall OPT quailties. Also reviewed the Burnout by Deocy. I also noticed something, which is my first Outlook.


    Another problem: mny XWA directory has swerced up while testing. Looks like I'll have to get the problem fixed. So far, no luck.


    I'm sorry, I had a couple of FTP and life troubles, but the Vampire review has been finshed up. Look for more later. Also, there is now the Opinons section, and quick public reviews! They are real quick. Fianlly, the 1999 OPT Awards are up.


    I'm sorry, but Freesevers was down for a short time, so I didn't get this news to you as soon as I would have liked to.

    Bad news again, people. As I was browsing the web, there was a sad note: Charles Schulz, creator of peanuts, is dead. That is most unfortunate, as I know some of you grew up with him, and he was part of Amercian culture. Llet us pay a moment of respect to Charles Schulz.

    On a lighter note, my reviews are under way, after some setbacks. Everyone had sent me OPTs lately, your OPTs' reviews will be hopefully up by next Sunday.


     The bad news is that some people did not like my opinions on their OPTs, and their work has been un-reviewed. Oh-well. Too bad that they were some of the best OPTs around.


    Sorry, folk, on 2 things. First, I'm changing forums. Why? The old one was kind of unstable, and administration was bad. The new one's excellent and free. The second, is good news. Sorry that I had exams, so I had to study.  Reviews will come tomorrow, but now... <Bang! Ypoknons falls asleep due to lack of rest and forgets to change the hyperlinks.>

    Actually, I did update the hyperlinks. Hope you like it. Anyone got a better backgornd that I can use around on the net somewhere?


    I'm here to annouce the X-Wing Alliance Upgrade Project. If you don't know about, it's a project to replace TG Opts with better ones. I'm a member of the project, so I'll be helping out with it.  It's looking real good. Go here now.


    I'm alive, that's good. news from the Ace: new XWA icons for your computer for download. They look pretty nice. Wanna spice up your desktop? Here you do. Go to Ace Antiles's site for them.


    Two days... Until doomsday (=school). Well, I have a forum now!


    It's another millennium. No bugs, no bombs, nothing. It's 00:25 here in Hong Kong, and everything's going well, including my computer. I've updated the community people achrive.


    Happy New Year! Happy New Century! Happy New Millennium! Anyhow,Ace Anttiles has annouced the OPT Project Awards 1999, and click here!


    And oh, I've reviewed Rebel's first opt, the Corellian Scout Ship. Ah... I do love light capital ships.


    Changed to the Zeros theme (programming, Y2K, etc.) and reviewed the Emperor's Fortress. More to come later. I had to fix a wierd problem.


    Fixed some facts in the Community section. Thanks, Rebel!


    Well, it's Christmas Eve. So, what? Oh. In the Misc. section, I've got the Community section up. So far, it's only got the promient people of the OPT Project. If anyone thinks what is written there is a little offensive, e-mail me and I'll correct it. The FreeDxF link is now corrected as well.

Don't worry, the new "sweets" theme is just "Christmas decoration".


    Happy Thanks Giving! Nothing nw around here. I'll try to review Darksaber's Naboo Fighter next week.


    I moved the Excalibar to the Wing Commander ship review section, which contains all the latest Wing Commander OPT reviews. The new stuff there is the Panther, Dragon, and Bearcat. Also, Drakkan's record breaking OPT, the Sovereign, has been reviewed.


    This time the banner has changed: to a defection. It's now a ACE Dxf for: ta-da! Freespace 2, an epic game. Maybe there will be a ".pof review" one day. :-)


    It's been a long time. If I had little to worry about, more time to play, there would be more reviews. But, I've reviewed the Mon remonda and the Prowler by JM. The N-Wing review will be finished shortly.


   Got 2 reviews done. Sorry, but really have to do homework, and though I would love to post more reviews, if have niether the time or energy. I'm gone!


    Sorry about the lack of updates. I've got lots of work around here. Thanks a lot to Nob Akimoto for his Raptor review. I won't respond to e-mail for a couple of days. I'll try to get a big update later. Sorry for any problems caused.


    Fixed some bugs in the website.


    Yet another Typoon! That's great because I get a holiday. So 1 reviewed 3 OPTs: Hosk Station's Storm, Ace Antilles's V38/Phantom TIE, and the join production, Saxman and Darksaber's E-Wing Version 3.0.


    Changed the theme of the website to this one. Looks cooler, doesn't it? E-mail me if you don't like it. I''ve got the Viper and Ecalibar up, both excellent OPTs by Steele. The site still needs a litle fixing up, so if someone provides me with reviews, I'll be happy to fix up the website.


    Sorry for the lack of updates. There's a huge amount of data to crunch down, so some reviews post are done while others aren't. Please bear with be while middle-school is bogging me down.


   Still nothing new, except that Hosk Station is up! Ta-da!


    It's been quiet around the X-Wing* community, and typoons in Hong Kong are making me bored, don't except anythoing new on this site for some ime.


   As the fear of school comes closer, I've review Monnock's S.opt. It's funny.


   Ah... The Shadow Droid review is up and also, a new version of MXvTED is out with XWA surpport. Easier to use than Bin Hex Edit, but you still can't add ships yet. I'm having trouble with downloads. Freeservers says everything is too big (including 415kb downloads).


    The site is back but reviews will be on a more random basis. Due to Dreadnott's comments, I've reviewed his E-Wing and Droid Fighter.


   I just got Saxman's E-Wing for review! It is excellent, with a exterior and cockpit! Good work Saxman! V-Wing also added. However, please keep in mind while submitting reviews, unless the OPT is not downloadable anywhere else, just send me the review. I now have a rule of 2 reviews a day, unless a have more time.


   Due to popular demand, I am stepping up on my reviews.   TIE Courier, Dual X-Wing, and Droid Fighter done. Please, please, please submit reviews. More than one review on a OPT would be great! Send them here. Note the interface problems. I am not a good Frontpage user and I might need help. I'll fix everything later.


Very litte time for anything. I have Kumon (math homework), Chinese and Rogue Squadron to do, so the reviews will have to wait. If you can do it for me, by all means e-mail me.


It's late in Hong Kong, and I'm tired, but Dreadnott's waking up and he posted 6 OPTs! Two are Saxman's, actually. But, I'll do reviews tomorrow morning Hong Kong time.


Web site started. K-Wing and Moldy Crow for X-Wing Alliance reviewed.

Lucas Arts is not in any way related to this website. Send criticism to ypoknons@hongkong.com.

Wnat to do the same thing for Freespace?

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This page was last updated on 03/03/00.